Camp Esteri 2023

Codice Descrizione Paese Dal Al Età Costo Status
E01 Explore Taiwan Cycling Camp Taiwan 06-07-2023 26-07-2023 16-20 US$ 800,00 Completed
E02 Adventure in Israel Israel 27-03-2023 04-04-2023 18-26 € 350,00 Completed
E03 Swedish Rotary Sailing Camp Swedish 02-08-2023 12-08-2023 18-20 € 780,00 Open
E04 Discover Taiwan Taiwan 30-07-2023 14-08-2023 16-19 US$ 900,00 Open
E05 VIII INTERNATIONAL ROTARY MASPALOMAS CAMP ON PEACE Spain 02-07-2023 09-07-2023 18-25 € 395,00 Open
E06 Think Egypt “Egyptology” Camp Egypt 22-07-2023 03-08-2023 15-22 €690,00 Completed
E07 Experience The Southwestern Norway Norway 11-08-2023 21-08-2023 17-20 Completed
E08 Sea, Sail and Nature Summer Camp Finland 16-07-2023 29-07-2023 15-18 €250,00 Completed
E09 Renewable Energy Summer Camp Finland 03-07-2023 15-07-2023 16-20 €250,00 Completed
E10 Lake Saimaa Summer Camp Finland 02-07-2023 16-07-2023 16-20 €250,00 Completed
E11 East Mediterranean Culture and Fun Camp Turkey 10-07-2023 23-07-2023 15-17 €250,00 Open
E12 The Mystery of Mersin Turkey 09-07-2023 21-07-2023 15-19 €400,00 Open
E13 Youth Camp Nationalpark Thy Denmark 16-07-2023 29-07-2023 16-20 €135,00 Completed
E14 Peace, Art, Water Summer Camp Norway 19-06-2023 30-06-2023 16-18 €100,00 Completed
E15 Camp Copenhagen 2023 Denmark 12-08-2023 26-08-2023 18-25 €330,00 Completed
E16 Summer Camp in Norway Norway 02-08-2023 14-08-2023 18-20 €300,00 Completed
E17 Danish food, nature and democracy Denmark 05-08-2023 19-08-2023 18-25 €150,00 Completed
E18 Swiss Mountain Adventure Camp Switzerland 01-07-2023 15-07-2023 15-19 CHF 1.200,00 Completed
E19 Ice to Lake Camp Switzerland 05-08-2023 20-08-2023 19-25 CHF 300,00 Completed
E20 Flanders Summer Camp Belgium 13-08-2023 26-08-2023 18-24 €300,00 Completed
E21 Sailing Camp Bonavista 2023 Denmark 29-07-2023 12-08-2023 17-23 € 200,00 Completed
E22 Hike & Fun in the Heart of the Alpes in Tyrol Austria 22-07-2023 05-08-2023 17-20 €150,00 Completed
E23 Zurich Little Big City Switzerland 29-07-2023 06-08-2023 18-22 CHF 300,00 Completed
E24 Sports and Leisure in Vichy and in the Auvergne area France 10-07-2023 20-07-2023 18-23 € 550,00 Completed
E25 The Danish Way Denmark 19-08-2023 30-08-2023 18-22 € 200,00 Completed
E26 Mountain Camp in the Catalan Pyrenees France 16-06-2023 25-06-2023 18-23 € 600,00 Cancelled
E27 Romania – Culture and Tradition Romania 01-08-2023 12-08-2023 17-25 € 250,00 Completed
E28 Sailing with “Jensine” in the Danish South Sea Denmark 01-08-2023 14-08-2023 17-21 € 130,00 Completed
E29 Introduction to Sailing and Discovery of the Catalan Coast France 24-06-2023 03-07-2023 18-22 € 500,00 Completed
E30 Tastes of Istanbul Turkey 22-07-2023 29-07-2023 18-22 € 300,00 Open
E31 The Cradle of Civilisations Turkey 30-07-2023 09-08-2023 16-21 € 300,00 Open
E32 Mountain and Sports Mount Uludag Turkey 13-07-2023 18-08-2023 13-16 Open
E33 Violin or Guitar Making Camp in Cheb Czech Republic 24-06-2023 08-07-2023 15-18 € 600,00 Completed
E34 Biking, Rafting and Sightseeing in Czechia Czech Republic 22-07-2023 05-08-2023 16-18 € 100,00 Completed
E35 Sightseeing and Hiking in Bohemian Forest and Bavaria Czech Republic 30-07-2023 12-08-2023 18-20 € 270,00 Completed
E36 Biking and Hiking Czech Republic 15-07-2023 26-07-2023 15-18 € 200,00 Completed
E37 South Bohemia Summer Camp Czech Republic 30-07-2023 12-08-2023 15-18 € 120,00 Completed
E38 East Norway – From Mountain To Coast Norway 31-07-2023 09-08-2023 17-20 € 400,00 Completed
E39 International Summer Camp “Poland – From Past To Present” Poland 20-07-2023 03-08-2023 15-18 € 400,00 Completed
E40 Discover Anatolia XVIII Turkey 02-07-2023 16-07-2023 14-18 € 350,00 Completed
E41 Sea, Sail and Smile Netherlands 22-07-2023 29-07-2023 16-17 € 420,00 Completed
E42 The best of Holland Netherlands 01-07-2023 15-07-2023 15-17 € 100,00 Completed
E43 Amazon Step Camp 2023 Brazil 28-07-2023 06-08-2023 15-19 US$ 1750 Open
E44 From Mountain to the Sea Brazil 11-08-2023 22-08-2023 15-19 € 600,00 Open
E45 2023 Western Safari Tour Camp United States 17-06-2023 02-07-2023 15-19 US$ 2400,00 Open
E46 Discover Taiwan Through The Lens Taiwan 17-07-2023 30-07-2023 17-21 USD 800,00 Open
E47 Izmir Sun, Fun and Culture Camp Turkey 03-07-2023 15-07-2023 18-25 € 720,00 Open
E48 Sierra de Guadarrama Camp Spain 06-07-2023 17-07-2023 18-25 € 390,00 Open
E49 Summer Camp in Catalonia Spain 06-07-2023 15-07-2023 18-22 € 450,00 Open
E50 Summer Camp Sports and Horses Poland 21-07-2023 02-08-2023 18-24 € 330,00 Open
E51 Girls Tech Camp in Bavaria Germany 05-08-2023 13-08-2023 18-25 € 200,00 Open
E52 Sea, Valley and Mountain +RYLA Camp Bulgaria 05-06-2023 14-06-2023 18-25 €250,00 Open
E53 Spain Sailing Camp Spain 01-07-2023 09-07-2023 18-21 €500,00 Open
E54 Rotary Startup Camp Croatia 24-08-2023 01-09-2023 18-25 €650,00 Open
E55 District 1260 England Youth Camp England 08-07-2023 15-07-2023 15-17 £475,00 Completed
E56 The Great Masurian Lakes Sailing Camp Poland 04-08-2023 12-08-2023 18-28 € 310,00 Open
E57 Rotary Summer Camp Roslagen Sweden 19-08-2023 26-08-2023 15-25 € 950,00 Open
E58 Spanish sailing camp in the Santander Bay Spain 09-07-2023 16-07-2023 16-19 € 450,00 Completed


Rye Italian Multidistrict

Associazione per il Programma Scambio Giovani Rotary International

Via Piave 202 – 30171 Venezia Mestre (VE) - Italy


CF: 97609050584